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  • A Look in to the FMWF Community

  • A Look in to the FMWF Community

    A Look in to the FMWF Community

    I hope you have been able to find some time to enjoy this long-awaited summer weather in FMWF. I am always pleasantly surprised at all of the fun things happening around town seemingly every day of the week - we truly live in the best community there is.

    Speaking of our community, July marks the month that The Chamber is publishing our annual Metro Profile magazine; and it has a whole new life this time around. We are ramping up our efforts in attracting individuals, employees and families to our region, and acclimating them once they arrive. This new Metro Profile magazine is a 64-page showcase and collection of stories about the unique, unexpected and unrivaled aspects of life in the FMWF community – as told by the people who call this place home. We built this tool not only for our community to enjoy, but for our businesses and recruiters to intentionally use for their employment and recruitment needs. The Chamber will be distributing this across our metro, as well as the Twin Cities metro. It is time to let everyone know how incredible this place is. Enjoy this tiny sneak peak of the Metro Profile, as well as some fun recaps of a couple of our recent signature events.

    I am also excited to announce that The Chamber will be moving forward with a new building and business resource hub. This is going to be a major and crucial project for us, and we will need the support of our great members to help us bring this to fruition. We dive into the matter a bit deeper in this issue of The Bridge, but if you have expertise or services that you think could be a valuable asset for this project, please reach out to me.

    Thank you all for reading this issue of The Bridge, enjoy this great weather, and we will be seeing you soon!

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