• The Chamber - Young Professionals Network - YPN
  • Young Professionals Network

  • YPN Leadership Committee Application

    The Chamber's Young Professionals Network has two open leadership committee positions for the fiscal year starting Sept. 1, 2024. One vice chair and one member at large positions are available. Any current YPN member may apply for these positions. Apply today!

  • Why We Exist

    It is our belief that a community influenced by young professionals is a community that attracts and retains them. Core to the Young Professionals Network’s strategic agenda is the belief that the more informed, involved and networked young professionals are, the more influence they will have on the Fargo Moorhead West Fargo community. This network is home to the leaders and influencers of tomorrow.


    What is a Young Professional?

    We don’t define young professionals by an age. We define it as a mind set. We are a group of people who are interested in enhancing ourselves and the future of our community. We work hard, we like to socialize, we’re technologically savvy, and we make the change that we want to see in our lives, our businesses and our community.

    What to Expect

    Through the Young Professionals Network you will have the opportunity to meet people you would never otherwise have met, learn about businesses you never would have known about and participate in events that never would have existed. You will have access to numerous business training programs and learn about the happenings in the community that will have an impact on your life.


  • Upcoming YPN Events


  • One to Watch One to Watch

  • Each quarter, YPN honors one of its active members as the One to Watch, recognizing him or her as a dedicated leader and up-and-coming professional in their workplace, the FMWF community and within the Young Professionals Network. Individuals are nominated by Chamber members and the general public.

    Do you know a young professional that you would like to nominate? Nominate here

  • Current One to Watch Current One to Watch

    Jae Dewald

    Jae is Past-Chair of the YPN Leadership Committee and has served on both the Membership Committee and the Engagement Committee. Her favorite part of YPN has been the natural friendships forged with other active members. "I can sincerely count on keeping in touch with certain individuals beyond the scope of YPN events and my time within the organization," she says. Her favorite YPN activities include the Annual Holiday Party and the volunteer opportunities. There has been more than one occasion where it has involved dirt, and those memories stick out in her mind as the occasions with the happiest attendees!

    Jae currently serves on the Fargo Moorhead Science Museum Board of Directors in hopes of doing her part to bring a major community enhancement to fruition. She also currently serves on the Tourism Alliance of Fargo Moorhead Board of Directors, a direct tie-in to her career. She also spent the last two giving campaign seasons of United Way of Cass Clay as a Campaign Cabinet Committee Member.  

    Recent awardees Recent awardees

    Nicole Thorfinnson

    Nicole works for Bobcat Company as a Marketing Specialist and Social Media Strategist, and oversees the strategy and content for Bobcat’s North American social media account!

    She’s been a part of YPN for over 2.5 years, and her favorite YPN events are Lattes with Leaders and the many volunteer opportunities. Nicole is a part of numerous YPN committees: Member Recruitment, Marketing, and Leadership. Thank you, Nicole, for your commitment to YPN and for making a positive impact in our community.

    Cole Mercier

    Meet Cole David Mercier, Communications and Engagement Strategist for Dakota Supply Group (DSG). Cole walks the line between marketing and human resources, and takes charge of internal communications and channels at DSG, ensuring they run smoothly and efficiently. Additionally, Cole plays a vital role in developing programs and resources to empower DSG's employee-owners to positively impact their respective communities. 

    For Cole, the best part about YPN is the opportunity to grow alongside others. He understands how intimidating it can be to interact with established professionals while beginning your career. By connecting with community and industry peers, they can support and inspire each other. Cole believes that through this collaboration, they can compare notes, learn from one another, and discover new perspectives from professionals in their community whom they wouldn't have otherwise met. 

    Congratulations, Cole, and keep being a key player in our community.


    See all awardees See all awardees

    Jae Dewald, S&L Hospitality at Holiday Inn Fargo

    Nicole Thorfinnson, Bobcat Company

    Cole Mercier, Dakota Supply Group

    Brady Eidenschink, Gate City Bank

    Erin Larsgaard, Wold Johnson

    Sara Hand, Cass County Electric Cooperative

    John Fisher, Friends of the Children

    Casey Thielges, Gate City Bank

    Justin Gustofson, Property Resources Group

    Celine Francisco, Wells Fargo Bank

    Thad Swanson, Nilles Law Firm

    Danne Doering, Choice Bank

    Kelly Halvorson, Essentia Health

    James Hand, Construction Engineers


  • Corporate Cup

    At this event put on by the YPN, physical fitness and friendly competition are cornerstones for Chamber member businesses to go head-to-head in everything from kickball to cycling to tug-of-war in a fun combination of team-building and networking. The event is open to all employees and fitness levels.

    Learn more>>


  • Questions? Contact YPN at ypn@fmwfchamber.com or 701.365.3440.


  • Program Sponsors


    Supporting Sponsors

    Gate City Bank | Sanford Health

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