Public Policy & Advocacy
The Chamber's 2024 Legislative Priorities | Minn. & Federal
Upcoming Eggs & Issues and Public Policy events
The Chamber's 2024 Public Policy Guide
Welcome to The Chamber - Public Policy & Advocacy
"In today's world, we are dealing with all sorts of issues that we need the business community to be involved in. I want to be involved in the community and I think it is my civic obligation to share my voice, share my opinion, and be involved in trying to take us to the next level." - Doug Restemayer, D-S BeveragesCore to The Chamber's mission is our commitment to promoting and protecting our business community and influencing action. In this video, you will meet Chamber member Doug Restemayer with D-S Beverages as he shares why he is engaged with advocacy efforts and the significant role public policy plays in our businesses and lives.
5 Ways to Get More Involved
1. Share your opinion with our elected officials
Find contact information for elected officials here.2. Join The Chamber's Public Policy Committee.
Contact Chamber Public Policy Director Cale Dunwoody.3. Subscribe to The Chamber's 'Advocacy in Action' e-newsletter.
Find and sign up for the news you want to know about here.4. Attend local events to stay engaged and involved
It turns out you are already on the right page for that. Scroll down to see all upcoming events related to public policy. Also stay tuned to The Chamber's Bridge magazine, social media and email communications for updates.5. VOTE
When election seasons are upon us, it is critical to use your voice and cast your vote.
The Chamber's 2023 Legislative Priorities | Minn. & N.D.
The Chamber's 2023 Legislative Review Guide
The Chamber actively serves as the voice of business to promote a prosperous and vibrant Fargo Moorhead West Fargo metropolitan area for generations to come. As one of the largest chambers in both Minnesota and North Dakota, representing over 1,900 member businesses, 109,000 member employees, and the greater community, we understand the importance and power of public policy and advocacy work. The Chamber has been a long-standing leader in policy and advocacy, serving as a fair and balanced voice that has earned the respect and trust of public officials and community leaders.
With a bi-state, multi-city presence, we have an extraordinary opportunity to leverage support for our region. A strong, business-friendly climate is essential for economic growth and prosperity. The Chamber remains committed to advocating for policy, convening public officials and business leaders, and representing our members and community's interests at all levels of government.
The Public Policy committee is the advocacy arm of The Chamber. The committee consists of a cross-section of Chamber members who are committed to preserving the integrity of the business climate by advancing sound policies and a stable regulatory environment for the business community to thrive.
Working to assess initiatives with regional significance, key issues that this committee monitors are taxes, infrastructure, workforce, education, health care, metro cooperation, and energy and natural resources.
The committee meets monthly to learn about and discuss current issues, monitor legislation and work to represent our community at all levels of government. This year, the committee has been active and brought in a wide variety of individuals such as the Lieutenant Governor, legislative leadership, the ND Tax Commissioner, ND Superintendent of Public Instruction and local city officials. Aside from inviting in perspectives of community and industry leaders, this committee is responsible for setting the Public Policy agenda each year, which creates the framework for major lobbying efforts within Minnesota and North Dakota.
The committee also helps guide Eggs & Issues programming, and is the first step in making official Chamber stances. Membership on is open to any employee of a Chamber member organization.
Chair: Judd Graham, Dacotah Bank
Staff support: Cale Dunwoody, Director of Public Policy
Meeting time: 8 a.m. on the second Thursday of each month -
The importance of advocacy
One of the foundational pillars of our Chamber’s work is advocacy. We take our work in public policy seriously, and we believe it’s one of the best benefits of Chamber membership.
We’re interested in the issues that affect our members. Our ongoing efforts on behalf of the business community have earned us the respect of elected officials and employees as a fair, consistent voice for balanced policy that both supports the business community and enhances our quality of life. We invite you to join us in these efforts!
Public policy doesn’t mean politics—though it does often involve government. Rather, it refers to issues that affect businesses and individuals. This can be legislation, regulation, or even cultural and social movements. They are governing principles that affect all of us every day. We’ll monitor and work for these issues because we know you’re busy running your own business.
A collective voice through an association like a chamber matters because we can do more together. With your support, we can work for you, for the community. We know that a strong business climate is essential for economic growth and prosperity as a region.
By definition
Advocacy refers to the activities a group engages in with the aim to influence decisions within political, economic and social systems and institutions. Advocacy at The Chamber is displayed in a variety of ways: engagement within and from our Public Policy committee, actively taking stances on critical issues, election education, encouragement of voter participation, and serving as a resource for information and connections to best serve our members’ interests.
Public Policy Program Sponsors
Supporting Sponsors
American Crystal Sugar Company | Beverage Wholesalers, Inc.
Bobcat Company | Cardinal IG | Choice Bank
Cornerstone Bank | Corval Group | Eide Bailly LLP | Essentia Health
Eventide Senior Living Communities | Gate City Bank
A catalyst for growth and prosperity.