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  • The Chamber's 2023 legislative priorities for MN & ND

  • The Chamber's 2023 legislative priorities for MN & ND

    The Chamber's 2023 legislative priorities for MN & ND

    2023 Minnesota Legislative Priorities
    Comprehensive Workforce Solutions
    • Invest in regional workforce grants and programs to support talent attraction, acclimation, retention, and development of workforce.
    • Invest in comprehensive systems approaches to workforce.
    • Continue investing into automation programs and incentives to maximize efficiency and safety as well as support the challenges of a global workforce shortage.
    • Identify and invest in quality-of-life assets and placemaking infrastructure to enhance the State’s attraction and retention efforts.
    • Continue investing in programs that incentivize the availability and accessibility of workforce housing.

    Quality, Accessible, and Affordable Childcare
    • Advance public-private partnership models for childhood and school-aged care providers to provide communities with affordable and accessible care.
    • Create a sustainable and stable childhood and school-aged care sector through adequate funding, grants, incentives, training, and shared service resources.

    Building a Community for the Future
    • Fund the construction of a new Dilworth Fire Station to provide citizens with reliable public service.
    • Further invest in regional flood protection by funding the construction of the Moorhead Flood Mitigation projects.
    • Invest in the renovation of Weld Hall at MSUM, to ensure it is restored, modernized, and equipped for 21st-century learning.
    • Invest in Career Workforce Academies to create a strong pipeline of workers for in-demand fields, as well as upskill the current workforce.
    • Fund and support initiatives and programs to increase post-secondary student attraction and retention.

    Business and Community Vitality
    • Ensure all policies, programs, initiatives, and incentives are comprehensive and inclusionary of Greater Minnesota communities.
    • Support border city programs and policies to keep Moorhead/ Dilworth competitive with neighboring North Dakota cities.
    • Re-examine Minnesota residency requirements that exist for eligibility of state grants. to accommodate communities along the border.
    • Evaluate the State’s existing tax structure and implement policies and initiatives that prioritize the State’s global competitiveness and reflect a fair and balanced tax system.

    2023 North Dakota Legislative Priorities
    Comprehensive Workforce Solutions
    • Further invest in Regional Workforce Grants to support talent attraction, acclimation, retention, and development.
    • Invest in comprehensive systems approaches to workforce.
    • Expand the Refugee Office to streamline refugee and immigration services to businesses and employers.
    • Review and simplify occupational licensing processes and reciprocity regulations.
    • Identify and invest in quality-of-life assets and placemaking infrastructure to enhance the State’s attraction and retention efforts.
    • Continue investing in programs that incentivize the availability and accessibility of workforce housing.

    Quality, Accessible and Affordable Childcare
    • Integrate initiatives and policies that enhance the efficiency of the processes required for employment at a childhood or school-aged care facility.
    • Review and adjust regulations and codes associated with establishing and operating a childhood or school-aged care facility to address burdensome regulatory barriers without diminishing quality and safety.
    • Advance public-private partnership models for childhood and school-aged care providers to provide communities with affordable and accessible care.
    • Create a sustainable and stable childhood and school-aged care sector through adequate funding, grants, incentives, training and shared service resources.

    Competitive Educational Systems
    • Evaluate both the K-12 and Higher Education Funding Formulas to ensure on-time and adequate funding.
    • Reinstate the Higher Education Funding Formula’s floor for funding reductions with a new hold harmless rate at 0%.
    • Fund capital project requests of NDSU’s Engineering Building & NDSCS’s Precision Agriculture Tech Center expansion.
    • Provide regional Career Workforce Academy funding as was previously appropriated, adjusting for inflation, considering federal funding delays.
    • Fund and support initiatives and programs to increase post-secondary student attraction and retention.
    • Expand the scope and funding of existing programs and initiatives that provide career awareness and readiness including Operation Intern, Career Builders, and dual credit opportunities for K-12 students.

    Business and Community Vitality
    • Support a sustainable funding model that ensures the completion of the Red River Valley Water Supply Project to provide reliability and predictability in our region’s water supply.
    • Authorize the regional investment of $1.9 million into a Base Retention Grant Program, specifically for Fargo, Minot, and Grand Forks, for military recruitment, awareness, and federal advocacy efforts.
    • Promote flexibility in the National Guard’s Tuition Assistance to allow for state assistance to transfer to bordering states’ educational institutions.
    • Expand Medicaid benefits for qualified individuals to provide access to affordable healthcare services.
    • Expand affordable behavioral health services.
    • Expand impactful economic development programs and initiatives including the automation tax credit, LIFT program, and Legacy Fund principal investments.
    • Evaluate the State’s existing tax structure and implement policies and initiatives that prioritize the State’s global competitiveness and reflect a fair and balanced tax system.

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