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  • The Chamber's 2022 Minnesota Legislative Priorities

  • The Chamber's 2022 Minnesota Legislative Priorities

    The Chamber's 2022 Minnesota Legislative Priorities

    With Minnesota’s 92nd Legislative Session underway, The Chamber is tracking various issues and prepared to weigh in on bills on behalf of your business’s interests. The Chamber has prioritized the following bills as they have a significant impact on our community. We encourage you to advocate on your own behalf through learning more and reaching out to your legislators.

    • Unemployment Insurance Relief Funding
      • Pre-pandemic, the Minnesota UI Trust Fund balance was around $1.7 billion. Unemployment Insurance claims during the pandemic depleted the fund to a negative balance of $1.2 billion in debt to the federal government. The $2.73 billion in appropriations from SF 2677 would pay off the debt and interest owed to the federal government and also replenish the trust fund to the pre-pandemic level. In the case that this issue doesn’t get resolved by March 15, unemployment taxes on employers will rise significantly, likely by double digits. We thank Senator Eken for supporting SF 2667, and call on Representatives Marquart and Keeler to support the companion bill in the house. 
    • Workforce Funding
      • The Moorhead High School Career Academy has a tremendous opportunity to utilize existing space to create a strong pipeline of workers for in-demand fields, as well as upskilling the current workforce. $10 million for workforce aid would cover the one-time capital need for facility build-out and programming efforts. Thank you, Representative Marquart for leading this request.
    • Bonding Bill
      • Renovating Weld Hall, the oldest building on MSUM’s campus, will ensure it is restored, modernized, and equipped for 21st-century learning including collaborative learning spaces and state-of-the-art learning technology. The 19-million-dollar project has been “shovel ready” since the 2018 legislative session, has the support of Governor Walz, and is the number one capital project for the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities this session. Thank you, Senator Eken and Representative Keeler for sponsoring this bill.
        • Senate File: SF 2761 – Senator Eken (District 4)
        • House File: HF 3051 – Representative Keeler (District 4A)
      • The Dilworth Fire station, built-in 1982, is 6,200 square feet and provides major health and safety hazards for the firefighters and potentially compromises the safety of the growing community. The 6.5-million-dollar project is requesting $3.2 million from the state of Minnesota. The project has the support of the Governor and federal financial support of $975,000. Thank you, Senator Eken and Representative Marquart for sponsoring this bill.
        • Senate File: SF 2760 – Senator Eken (District 4)
        • House File: HF 2930 – Representative Marquart (District 4B)
      • The City of Moorhead is requesting $17.5 million from the bonding bill for the five remaining infrastructure components in its 2009 Comprehensive Flood Mitigation Plan The included components are compatible with and needed for the Diversion project. The Governor’s recommendation includes $10 M for the project. Thank you, Senator Eken for sponsoring this bill.
        • Senate File: SF 2162 – Senator Eken (District 4)
        • House File: HF 2389 – Representative Kiel (District 1B)
    • Border City Policies
      • To keep Moorhead competitive with neighboring North Dakota cities it is vital to support the Border Cities Enterprise Zone, Disparity Reduction Credit program, Local Government Aid and other border city programs and policies. We are prepared to weigh in on any legislation that will impact border city competitiveness.
    Local Legislative contacts:
    Senator Kent Eken (District 4) Representative Heather Keeler (District 4A) Representative Paul Marquart (District 4B)

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