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  • 2024 Minnesota Legislative Session Wrap: Key points for Chamber member businesses

  • 2024 Minnesota Legislative Session Wrap: Key points for Chamber member businesses

    2024 Minnesota Legislative Session Wrap: Key points for Chamber member businesses

    2024 Minnesota Legislative Session Wrap 
    Key points for Chamber member businesses 

    The Minnesota Legislative session ended on May 20th. Given the significance of the bills passed, it is vital to understand the implications of the Minnesota Legislature's actions. The Minnesota Legislature operates on a biennium, meaning that bills can carry over from odd-numbered years to the next year. However, if bills do not pass by the end of the two-year session, they must be reintroduced in the next legislative cycle. This 2023-2024 biennium saw the introduction of 11,023 bills, with approximately 150 successfully passed by both chambers, meaning it passed both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

    This session introduced policy changes that address taxation, housing, workforce shortages and more. As the session neared its end, a sense of urgency swept through the Capitol, prompting lawmakers to address a flurry of bills before the midnight deadline.

    This article will dive into many of these crucial legislative actions. For example, Democratic-Farmer-Labor (DFL) Leaders introduced a 1,400-page tax bill just before the end of the session, leaving Republicans members without sufficient time for review. Given the DFL Trifecta (single party control of the House, Senate and Governorship), members in the majority party were able to pass the legislation without needing Republican support. The bill passed with a vote of 70-50 in the House and 34-14 in the Senate. This omnibus bill not only addressed tax issues but also included provisions from nine other bills covering a range of topics.

    Click here for the full list of important takeaways for our business community from the 2024 Minnesota Legislative Session.

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