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  • 2023 Federal Legislative Priorities

  • 2023 Federal Legislative Priorities

    2023 Federal Legislative Priorities  

    Comprehensive Workforce Solutions    

    • Invest in comprehensive workforce solutions that foster recruitment, acclimation, development and retention throughout our nation, and encourage integrated and regional-based approaches to meet the workforce needs of employers and employees.  

    • Enact robust and long-term solutions that update and streamline legal immigration laws, policies, procedures and processes to provide a reasonable compromise that meets the economic needs of the United States without diminishing national security or public safety.   

    • Expand federal investment into programs, initiatives, grants and funding opportunities to address the national workforce crisis.   

    • Modernize occupational licensing processes and regulations.  

    Agriculture and Energy  

    • Advance policies, initiatives and programs to enhance and strengthen the economic viability of the Midwest’s agricultural and energy industries which support food and energy security and sustainability.  

    • Support provisions of the Farm Bill and other agriculture legislation that provide adequate nutrition; enhance value-added and sustainable agriculture practices; reduce burdensome environmental policies; maintain reliable and affordable financing and insurance programs; foster start-up capital; advance research, innovation and technology; and strengthen opportunities for major research initiatives in agricultural production, food systems and conservation of natural resources.  

    • Support comprehensive energy legislation that promotes access to reliable, sustainable and affordable energy; enhances “all of the above” solutions; invests in comprehensive research; develops essential energy infrastructure and encourages pragmatic environmental regulation.  

    Business and Community Vitality  

    • Expand federal investment into programs, grants and funding opportunities to foster economic development and revitalization.  

    • Support federal funding for the Red River Valley Water Supply Project.   

    • Advance legislation that spurs continual public and private investment into critical infrastructure projects and ensures regulations are timely, pragmatic and equitable to improve livability, promote economic vibrancy and ensure public safety.  

    • Continue support for veterans, local military units, military personnel and the important missions the military carries out.   

    • Evaluate the existing tax structure and implement policies and initiatives that prioritize global competitiveness and reflect a fair and balanced tax system.  

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