President's Blog
Editorials, information and thoughts directly from Chamber leadership.Saturday, July 1, 2023
Pulling for our community
Over the past several months, The Chamber has been at the forefront of many crucial efforts and conversations to shape and support policies that drive economic growth while promoting and protecting the needs of our business community. Through our collective voice and active engagement with leaders and policymakers in Minnesota, North Dakota and Washington, D.C., we have continued to make our regional presence felt while advocating for legislation that fosters an environment conducive to business growth,
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Wednesday, March 1, 2023Inspiring and developing our people
Your Chamber is committed to engaging and inspiring the people, businesses and community that we serve. If you come across a program, initiative or opportunity that you or someone in your circle should get involved in, we encourage you to take that next step to get involved. Let’s reach our full potential together.
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Sunday, January 1, 2023Working locally, regionally and nationally
The ability of our community and Chamber to influence local, state and national leaders and elected officials can give rise to opportunities that would otherwise not be possible. A prime example of this would be the Good Jobs Challenge Grant award; which saw 78 major letters of support from across our region and states to get behind The Chamber and elevate the FMWF region to become one of only 32 EDA Good Jobs Challenge Grant awardees in the entire nation. Now, harnessing the power of this grant and working
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Monday, January 3, 2022Public Policy & Advocacy: An Integral Part of Our Work
Shannon Full
A catalyst for growth and prosperity.