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  • President's Blog

  • Editorials, information and thoughts directly from Chamber leadership.
    Monday, July 1, 2024
    Strengthening Our Workforce for Community Success

    As we find ourselves in the heart of summer, I'm reminded of my first job at my grandfather's machine shop when I was just 13. The smell of the oil used to machine the parts is still vivid in my memory. My tasks involved cleaning and packaging parts before delivering them, but delivery days were my favorite. Those were the days I got to interact with people and visit the large manufacturing companies that ordered our parts. It was then that I discovered my love for engaging with people and learning about

    Shannon Full

    Wednesday, May 1, 2024
    Recognizing the great men, women and families of our military

    Our team is honored to dedicate this magazine to the great men, women and families of our military, and to the businesses and organizations who stand up to support them.

    Shannon Full

    Friday, March 1, 2024
    A Future Filled with Opportunity and Achievement

    The growth and prosperity of the Fargo Moorhead West Fargo area are products of intentional and visionary leadership over a long period. Success is not merely a happenstance occurrence but a meticulous journey. Through shared vision and collective efforts, we propel our community forward, strengthen our influence and impact, and shape a bright future filled with opportunity and achievement.

    Shannon Full

    Tuesday, January 9, 2024
    Together we thrive: Community building, engagement and giving

    As we find ourselves at the beginning of another year and chapter for our community, businesses and lives, it is a unique time to look back, celebrate all that has been achieved and look ahead to all we must accomplish together.

    Shannon Full

    Monday, November 27, 2023
    Community Enhancement: Building a Community for Tomorrow

    As we enter the holiday season, our team would like to take time to reflect on the past year and thank you for the successes we have had. Your membership investment, trust and active engagement have allowed us to achieve remarkable milestones and create substantial, long-term impact for our members, community and region. We are firmly committed to you, our members and our community, and we proudly stand by your side as we work to achieve our mission of being a catalyst for growth and prosperity for the

    Shannon Full

    Wednesday, September 6, 2023
    Lasting business legacies

    Legacy. What does it take to forge a legacy, and what do that word and concept mean to you? To me, creating and leaving a legacy means putting your essence - heart, soul and passion - into something that will profoundly shape and impact the lives of others.

    Shannon Full

    Saturday, July 1, 2023
    Pulling for our community

    Over the past several months, The Chamber has been at the forefront of many crucial efforts and conversations to shape and support policies that drive economic growth while promoting and protecting the needs of our business community. Through our collective voice and active engagement with leaders and policymakers in Minnesota, North Dakota and Washington, D.C., we have continued to make our regional presence felt while advocating for legislation that fosters an environment conducive to business growth,

    Shannon Full

    Monday, May 1, 2023
    Care. Cohesion. Connection. Community.

    Our businesses, leaders, and your Chamber are addressing our greatest challenges daily, leaning into opportunities, and creating solutions. Attracting and retaining our region’s workforce is among our top, most pressing challenges, and in this month’s Bridge magazine we are going a layer deeper to explore, discuss and learn what it truly means to truly have a healthy workforce. Mental and behavioral health overall has been a topic less discussed when we are addressing the facets of our community and working

    Shannon Full

    Wednesday, March 1, 2023
    Inspiring and developing our people

    Your Chamber is committed to engaging and inspiring the people, businesses and community that we serve. If you come across a program, initiative or opportunity that you or someone in your circle should get involved in, we encourage you to take that next step to get involved. Let’s reach our full potential together.

    Shannon Full

    Monday, February 6, 2023
    OPPOSE Minnesota Senate/House File 2

    The Fargo Moorhead West Fargo Chamber of Commerce, representing over 1,900 businesses across the FMWF metro and beyond, STRONGLY OPPOSES this proposed mandatory paid leave program. Due to the extremely tight labor market, the free enterprise system has and will continue to provide competitive compensation packages, including paid leave and customized benefits that fit their employees and workplace culture. Our state should instead be looking for innovative solutions to actively address the workforce

    Shannon Full
